LI Xiao-jie,GUO Rui-guang.Silicate Conversion Coatings on the Surface of Aluminum[J],39(2):64-66
Silicate Conversion Coatings on the Surface of Aluminum
Received:November 09, 2009  Revised:April 10, 2010
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KeyWord:aluminum  silicate  anticorrosion  salt spray test
LI Xiao-jie Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an , China
GUO Rui-guang Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an , China
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      A silicate method of aluminum alloy(3A21)surface treatment was studied.We used salt spray as an evaluation of its anticorrosion effect,and optimized the ratio of the various components of the conversion liquid and process parameters of the conversion. We also discussed the effect of the additives on anticorrosion. The study shows that the concentration of silicate has great affect on conversion consequence and the additive has a certain effect on enhancing the effect of aluminum's anticorrosion.