XU Hui,ZHANG Zhao-guo,YIN Zhi-juan.Study on Electroless Nickel-based Nano-(SiC)PComposite Coating[J],39(2):55-57
Study on Electroless Nickel-based Nano-(SiC)PComposite Coating
Received:October 27, 2009  Revised:April 10, 2010
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KeyWord:nano-(SiC)P  electroless composite coating  temperature  pH  hardness
XU Hui Heilongjiang Institute Technology, Harbin , China
ZHANG Zhao-guo Engineering Institute of Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin , China
YIN Zhi-juan Heilongjiang Institute Technology, Harbin , China
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      In order to further improve the properties of electroless composite coating, the Ni-P-(SiC)pelectroless composite plating added nano-(SiC)pwas prepared and technical conditions of coating were studied. The micro-morphology of the coating was observed. The composition and properties of the coating were tested. It was compared with Ni-P coating and Ni-P-(SiC)Pcoating. The results show that the deposition rate is the fastest and the deposition is the largest, when the pH= 4.5, T= 85± 1℃ . The prepared coating is uniform, compact, high hardness, and has good wear resistance. The hardness of the composite coating is 1337HV after 500℃ heat treatment.