GAO Li-min,WANG Zhen-ling,DONG Sheng-min.Effects of Ball Milling Techniques on SiC Powder by Mechanical Alloying[J],39(2):50-51,76
Effects of Ball Milling Techniques on SiC Powder by Mechanical Alloying
  Revised:April 10, 2010
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KeyWord:theremodynamics count  mechanical alloying  ball malling
GAO Li-min Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, Harbin , China
WANG Zhen-ling Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, Harbin , China
DONG Sheng-min Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, Harbin , China
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      SiO2and C's react is analysised by theremodynamics count, The influences of ball milling techniques (ball minlling time, ball-to-powder mass ratio)on Mechanical Alloying of SiO2and C mixed powders, in the process the alloying,is invested. The results show that the higher ball milling energy may be obtained when the ball-to-powder mass ratio is 50∶1, and rotation speed is 300 r/min. The solid-state reaction between SiO2and C can be activated to compose SiC, with mechanical alloy in 72 hours.