LI Fei-zhou.Thickness Analysis of Coating for Hot Dip Aluminum on 45 Steel[J],39(2):41-42,76
Thickness Analysis of Coating for Hot Dip Aluminum on 45 Steel
Received:December 29, 2009  Revised:April 10, 2010
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KeyWord:45 steel  Hot dip aluminum  Orthogonal regression experimental method
LI Fei-zhou Baoji University of Arts and sciences, Baoji , China
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      The influence rule of diffusion and infiltration time on the alloying layer thickness was researched by the orthogonal regressive principle, and the regression equation of the alloying layer thickness was established. The results show that the longer diffusion, the longerinfiltration time and the higher alloying layer thickness. The layer gorws gradually poorer and crack. The optimum technical parameter are diffusion for 2 hours and hot-dop for 3 minutes.