LIU Ji-wei,GU Zhong-yun.The Study on Corrosion Resistance of Metal Coating on High Molecular Coating Matrix[J],39(2):31-33
The Study on Corrosion Resistance of Metal Coating on High Molecular Coating Matrix
  Revised:April 10, 2010
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KeyWord:high molecular coating  magnetic-control sputtering  aluminum coating  zirconium coating  salt spray test
LIU Ji-wei Institute of Chemical Material of CAEP, Mianyang , China
GU Zhong-yun Institute of Chemical Material of CAEP, Mianyang , China
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      The abilities of anti-acid and anti-alkaline of two magnetic control-sputtering coatings were investigated, one coating is Aluminum, the other is Zirconium. The result demonstrates that magnetic-control sputtering aluminum coating can neither withstand acid and alkali nor salt spray.Zirconium coating reveals excellent anti-acid and anti-al-kaline abilities. Though the specularly reflected coating surface turns blur after salt spray test, the coating still work in terms of it's adhesion.