LI Dao-hua.Investigations on the Colored Coordination Compound Films of Several Thiourea Derivatives on Zinc Plate with Photoelectron Spectrometer[J],39(2):24-27
Investigations on the Colored Coordination Compound Films of Several Thiourea Derivatives on Zinc Plate with Photoelectron Spectrometer
Received:September 13, 2009  Revised:April 10, 2010
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KeyWord:zinc plate materials  thiourea derivatives  colored coordination compound films  photoelectron spectroscopy  composition and structure
LI Dao-hua Neijiang Normal University, Neijiang , China
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      The photoelectron spectrometer(XPS and AES)determinations were carried out to investigate the formation, structure, function,and the bonding features and spectral changes of the coordination compound films.It shows that during the interface reaction, most thiourea derivatives participated in a coordinated response to be protonated and some undeprotonated participated in Zn2+ coordination directly. The films are composed of Zn,N,C,S and O, according to the calculation on the AES depth profile curves. The results of XPS and AES analyses show that the thickness of the film is about 60~ 200 nm.