ZHANG Long-chang,LIN Ji-yue,CHEN Gang,YU Xiang-yun,LIU Guang-ming.Influence of Nano-TiO2Content on the Properties of Silicone/SiO2Hybrid Coatings[J],39(2):7-10
Influence of Nano-TiO2Content on the Properties of Silicone/SiO2Hybrid Coatings
Received:November 12, 2009  Revised:April 10, 2010
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KeyWord:nano TiO2  silicone/SiO2hybrid coating  anti-mildew effect
ZHANG Long-chang Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang , China
LIN Ji-yue Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang , China
CHEN Gang Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang , China
YU Xiang-yun Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang , China
LIU Guang-ming Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang , China
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      Silicone/SiO2hybrid sol with different content of TiO2were prepared. Then the silicone/SiO2hybrid coating was obtained by drying the sol for 12 h. The infrared spectrum(FT-IR)showed that the Ti atoms were grafted to the hybrid network. The properties of silicone/SiO2hybrid coatings with different content of TiO2were studied. The results showed that the coatings had better physical properties, corrosion resistance and better anti-mildew effects when 1% TiO2was added in the coating.