SHU Xu-gang,LIAO Lie-wen,HE Xiang-zhu,HUANG Hui-min.The Mechanism of Trivalent Chromium Electrodeposition and Electrocrystallization from Trivalent Chromium in Chloride System[J],39(2):1-4,13
The Mechanism of Trivalent Chromium Electrodeposition and Electrocrystallization from Trivalent Chromium in Chloride System
Received:November 30, 2009  Revised:April 10, 2010
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KeyWord:trivalent chromium  electrodeposition  mechanism
SHU Xu-gang Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou , China
LIAO Lie-wen Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou , China
HE Xiang-zhu Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou , China
HUANG Hui-min Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou , China
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      The mechanism of trivalent chromium electrodeposition and electrocrystallization from trivalent chromium in chloride system has been explored by using several kinds of electrochemical methods, such as cyclic voltammetry, chronopotentiometry, steady-state-polarization.[Cr(H2O)6] 3+ reduction process is controlled by electrochemical reaction.[Cr(H2O)6] 3+ gets three electrons by two steps,their apparent activation energy is measured,one is 34.9 kJ/mol, the other is 19.77 kJ/mol, the first reducing is rate control step. The middle product,which is electrochemically active and adsorptive,is formed in the first step.