WEI Zhe-liang.Effect of Ethylenediamine on Immersion Silver Plating on Copper Substrate[J],37(2):31-33
Effect of Ethylenediamine on Immersion Silver Plating on Copper Substrate
Received:October 10, 2007  Revised:April 10, 2008
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KeyWord:Immersion silver  Ligand  Ethylenediamine  Displacement
WEI Zhe-liang College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou , China
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      To avoid getting loose immersion silver plating on copper substrate in simple silver salt solution, the effects of ethylenediamine on silver deposition rate, deposition process and finishing appearance were studied by capacity titration, electrochemical method and FE-SEM. The results show that as a ligand, ethylenediamine not only can slow down the silver deposition rate, but also make the adhered silver atoms grow up along the surface of copper substrate, and so a smooth and dense silver coating is obtained.