GAO Sheng-wen.Technologies of Two-way Pulse Silver Plating[J],37(1):83-85
Technologies of Two-way Pulse Silver Plating
Received:September 19, 2007  Revised:February 10, 2008
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KeyWord:Two-way  Pulse silver plating  Hardness  Wearability  Working-reliability
GAO Sheng-wen No. 5719 Factory of the PLA, Pengzhou , China
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      The two-way pulse silver plating technologies were studied. According to plenty of tests, the related factor influence on the performance of the pulse silvering-film was studied and analyzed, the technological parameters and the solution formula for the pulse silvering were determined. The performance of pulse silvering-film was tested, and the pulse silvering-film with the D. C. silvering-film was contrasted. This technology overcomes the problems of the D. C. silvering-film effectively, such as the low hardness, inadequate wearability, the ability to bearing dynamic load and the shocking and improves the comprehensive performance and working-reliability.