QU Yan-ping,YU Miao,GENG Xin.Rating System of the Nickel Coating Corrosion Protection Grade Based on Image Processing[J],37(1):80-82
Rating System of the Nickel Coating Corrosion Protection Grade Based on Image Processing
Received:October 23, 2007  Revised:February 10, 2008
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KeyWord:Nickel coating  Corrosion protection grade  Image processing  MATLAB  Image binarization
QU Yan-ping School of Materials , Shenyang University of Technology , Shenyang , China
YU Miao School of Materials , Shenyang University of Technology , Shenyang , China
GENG Xin School of Materials , Shenyang University of Technology , Shenyang , China
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      In order to find the corrosion protection grade of the nickel coating exactly, the computer image processing techniques were used to detect corrosion features in nickel coating. The methods included the nickel coating image collecting, image preprocessing, image binarization, area calculation of corrosion features in nickel coating , the algorithm of computer image processing on corrosion protection test was studied, and simulative experiment on the algorithm based on MATLAB was introduced, then the corrosion feature area parameters was used to calculate corrosion protection grade. This method provided a new basis to nickel coating protection grade rating.