WANG Jian-sheng,LIU Li_tuo.Reserch on the Black Phosphating Film at the Mid-temperature[J],37(1):64-66
Reserch on the Black Phosphating Film at the Mid-temperature
Received:October 25, 2007  Revised:February 10, 2008
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KeyWord:Phosphating  Mid-temperature  Black  Gold mutually microscope  SEM  Blackening process
WANG Jian-sheng China Jialing Group, Chongqing , China
LIU Li_tuo Xi'an Aerospace Chemical Propulsion Factory, Xi'an , China
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      A black phosphating process at mid-temperaturem was discussed. The morphology and structure of the phosphating film were analyzed by means of the gold mutually microscope and SEM. The thickness of the black phosphating coating can reach t0 6μm by surface conditioning process, which is nearly one third the thickness of the traditional phosphating coating without surface conditioning process. And it shows that the compact and continuity, corrosion resistance of the film will be improved obviously by surface conditioning process. The corrossion time in copper sulfate spot test is four times as high as national standard and the time for sodium chloride bath test is up t0 72h. It was found out that the obtained black phosphating film is low cost, no-sedimented, nonpoisonous, and can make the production of phosphating bath industrialized. The technics can meet the requirements of the industrialized mass production.