HAN Li,JIANG Wei.Study on the Laser Surface Strengthen Process of lCr18Ni9Ti[J],37(1):62-63,88
Study on the Laser Surface Strengthen Process of lCr18Ni9Ti
Received:December 03, 2007  Revised:February 10, 2008
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KeyWord:Laser surface strengthening  Nice crystal  Austenite stainless steel
HAN Li Department of Aeronautical Engineering of Qingdao Branch of Naval Aeronautical Engineering Academy, Qingda0 , China
JIANG Wei Department of Aeronautical Engineering of Qingdao Branch of Naval Aeronautical Engineering Academy, Qingda0 , China
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      The laser surface strengthening technology was carried on the surface of austenite stainless steel lCr18Ni9Ti in order to enhance the degree of micro-hardness of stainless steel surface. The microstructure and the microhardness as well as the influence to the degree of micro-hardness by the craft parameter have been analyzed. The distribution curve fitting of degree of micro-hardness as well as the fitting result examination has been carried on. The result shows that the strengthened layers with tiny crystal grain and higher degree of micro-hardness than the substrate's are obtained. The highest degree of micro-hardness reaches 224HV. The degree of micro-hardness is higher along with bigger electric current and lower scanning velocity.