BIAN Tie-rong,LU Zheng-xin,JING Xiao_tian.Microstructure and Phase Transformation of TiNiCu Shape Memory Alloy Films with Different Cu Content[J],37(1):42-44
Microstructure and Phase Transformation of TiNiCu Shape Memory Alloy Films with Different Cu Content
Received:October 23, 2007  Revised:February 10, 2008
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KeyWord:TiNiCu  Shape memory alloy  Films  Phase transformation
BIAN Tie-rong 1. Central Laboratory for Molecular Medicine Addiliated Hospital of Luzhou Medical College, Luzhou , China;2. Materials Science and Engineering College of Xian Universtiy of Technology, Xi' an , China
LU Zheng-xin Materials Science and Engineering College of Xian Universtiy of Technology, Xi' an , China
JING Xiao_tian Materials Science and Engineering College of Xian Universtiy of Technology, Xi' an , China
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      Using TEM, XRD and DSC method, annealed microstructure and transformation in heating and cooling of three TiNiCu shape memory alloy films with different Cu content by DC magnetron sputtering have been first studied systematically. The results show that annealed films gain shape memory; Annealed microstructure of annealed films takes on change, transformation hysteresis and transformation temperature range grow narrow obviously as Cu content of films rises. Its possible that gaining the film of responding fastly.