LIU Xing,ZHAO Xia.Compact Process of Microstructure of Arc-spraying-coating of FeCrAIW[J],37(1):37-39
Compact Process of Microstructure of Arc-spraying-coating of FeCrAIW
Received:October 12, 2007  Revised:February 10, 2008
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KeyWord:Arc-spraying-coating  Compact process  Hardness  Laser radiation
LIU Xing Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Heilongjiang Institute of Science & Technology, Harbin , China
ZHAO Xia Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Heilongjiang Institute of Science & Technology, Harbin , China
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      Laser heating compact process of FeCrAIW was carried out, and the microstructure was analyzed and micro-hardness profile in the coating was examined by XRD and SEM. The results show that compact microstructure of the coating is obtained, pore and inclusion decrease. With increasing specific scanning speed, the micro-hardness of compact layers descends. When the scanning speed is lower, metallurgy combine between compact layers and substrate is obtained.