LI De-Iiang,WANG Dan,LUO Jie,LONG Li-juan,PENG Yun.Study on an Ethanolamine-containing Alkaline Etching Solution[J],37(1):28-31
Study on an Ethanolamine-containing Alkaline Etching Solution
Received:October 18, 2007  Revised:February 10, 2008
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KeyWord:Etcher  Ethanolamine  Etching rate  Undercutting factor
LI De-Iiang Central South University of Forest and Technology, Changsha , China
WANG Dan Changsha Es-Crown Environmental Hi-tech Co. , Ltd. , Changsha , China
LUO Jie Central South University of Forest and Technology, Changsha , China
LONG Li-juan Central South University of Forest and Technology, Changsha , China
PENG Yun Central South University of Forest and Technology, Changsha , China
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      An environment-friendly alkali-etcher was studied to replace the traditional ammonia etcher. It was characterized by the solution containing copper-ethanolamine complex, chlorine and alkali-buffer as the main components. Static and spray etching methods were used to get its optimum operating parameters. The results show that the novel etcher is as good as ammonia type in its quality index especially for the undercutting factor, and can meet the PCB standards. Its etching rate reaches 6 μm/min and 20 μm/min for static and spray process respectively, when maintaining its copper concentration ( 85 - 95 ) g/L, chlorine (3. 5 -4. 5 ) mol/L, ethnolamine (4. 5 -5 ) mol/L, additive (0. 5 - 1. 5) g/L , pH 8. 5 ~9.0 and temperature ( 55 ~ 60 ) oC . It can be concluded that the novel etcher is a competitive altemative for the etching process, and will benefits the PCB consumers in high quality and no discharge of waste gas in its making-up, usage including regeneration and recycling, and after-use treatments.