王跃明,李晨龙,韩旭航,黄杰,朱建勇,解路,刘秀波.大气等离子喷涂FeCoCrNiAl高熵合金涂层的高温摩擦磨损性能[J].表面技术,2023,52(10):160-170, 180.
WANG Yue-ming,LI Chen-long,HAN Xu-hang,HUANG Jie,ZHU Jian-yong,XIE Lu,LIU Xiu-bo.Friction and Wear Properties of FeCoCrNiAl High Entropy Alloy Coatings Prepared by Atmospheric Plasma Spraying at High Temperature[J].Surface Technology,2023,52(10):160-170, 180
Friction and Wear Properties of FeCoCrNiAl High Entropy Alloy Coatings Prepared by Atmospheric Plasma Spraying at High Temperature
投稿时间:2022-08-05  修订日期:2023-04-14
中文关键词:  大气等离子喷涂  FeCoCrNiAl高熵合金  涂层  微观组织  摩擦磨损性能
英文关键词:atmospheric plasma spraying  FeCoCrNiAl high entropy alloy  coating  microstructure  friction and wear properties
王跃明 湖南科技大学 材料科学与工程学院,湖南 湘潭411201 
李晨龙 湖南科技大学 材料科学与工程学院,湖南 湘潭411201 
韩旭航 湖南科技大学 材料科学与工程学院,湖南 湘潭411201 
黄杰 湖南科技大学 材料科学与工程学院,湖南 湘潭411201 
朱建勇 湖南省冶金材料研究院有限公司粉末冶金与金属陶瓷研究所,长沙 410129 
解路 江苏城乡建设职业学院 管理工程学院,江苏 常州 213147 
刘秀波 中南林业科技大学 材料表界面科学与技术湖南省重点实验室,长沙 410004 
WANG Yue-ming School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Hunan Xiangtan 411201, China 
LI Chen-long School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Hunan Xiangtan 411201, China 
HAN Xu-hang School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Hunan Xiangtan 411201, China 
HUANG Jie School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Hunan Xiangtan 411201, China 
ZHU Jian-yong Powder Metallurgy and Cermet Institute, Hunan Metallurgy Material Institute Co., Ltd., Changsha 410129, China 
XIE Lu School of Management Engineering, Jiangsu Urban and Rural Construction Vocational College, Jiangsu Changzhou 213147, China 
LIU Xiu-bo Hunan Province Key Laboratory of Materials Surface & Interface Science and Technology, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China 
      目的 研究环境温度对FeCoCrNiAl高熵合金涂层摩擦磨损性能的影响,探讨将其应用于高温及富氧环境中的可行性。方法 采用大气等离子喷涂制备FeCoCrNiAl高熵合金涂层,考察喷涂功率对涂层微观组织的影响;测试涂层的纳米力学性能,分析其对涂层摩擦磨损性能的影响;基于涂层及对偶磨球磨损表面形貌、元素分布及含量、物相组成,讨论涂层在室温及高温环境中的摩擦磨损特性与机制。结果 涂层中形成了白色、浅灰色、深灰色及黑色4种区域,区域颜色随O元素含量增加而加深,涂层纳米力学性能逐渐增加,进而将对其摩擦磨损性能造成影响。20 kW喷涂功率制备涂层的室温摩擦因数、磨损率及磨痕深度均达最佳值,分别为(0.70±0.02)、(9.22±0.01)×10‒5 mm3/(N∙m)及(130±10) μm。室温环境下,磨粒磨损、疲劳磨损及塑性变形为涂层的主要磨损机制。20 kW功率制备涂层的摩擦因数、磨损率、磨痕深度等均随摩擦环境温度的升高先增加而后降低,经600 ℃摩擦试验后分别低至(0.58±0.01)、(6.14±0.01)×10‒5 mm3/(N∙m)及(104±8) μm;涂层磨损表面的氧化程度随环境温度的升高而加剧,经600 ℃摩擦试验后氧含量高达31.62%(质量分数)。当摩擦环境温度≥400 ℃时,涂层以氧化磨损为主,以磨粒磨损、粘着磨损和疲劳磨损为辅。结论 由于磨损表面形成连续氧化膜的保护和固体润滑作用,高熵合金涂层在高温环境中的耐磨性明显提高,可广泛应用于高温及富氧环境中。
      HIGH entropy alloys (HEAs) can be widely used in aerospace, biomedicine, new energy, nuclear industry, etc. for their high strength and hardness, superior wear resistance and corrosion resistance. However, the cost of HEAs is expensive due to the high price of each principal component. HEA coatings developed based on HEA theory and modern surface technology can not only reduce preparation cost, but also obtain superior properties. The work aims to prepare FeCoCrNiAl HEA coatings under a power of 15, 20 and 25 kW by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) and investigate the effects of temperature on microstructure and wear resistance of HEA coatings.
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