赵欣,黄成超,李梦,杨华荣,赵皓东.微纳超疏水钛合金表面的制备及其性能研究[J].表面技术,2023,52(3):360-369. ZHAO Xin,HUANG Cheng-chao,LI Meng,YANG Hua-rong,ZHAO Hao-dong.Fabrication and Properties of Micro-nano Superhydrophobic Titanium Alloy Surface[J].Surface Technology,2023,52(3):360-369 |
微纳超疏水钛合金表面的制备及其性能研究 |
Fabrication and Properties of Micro-nano Superhydrophobic Titanium Alloy Surface |
DOI:10.16490/j.cnki.issn.1001-3660.2023.03.034 |
中文关键词: 激光技术 飞秒激光 超疏水表面 微纳复合结构 低黏附性 自清洁 |
英文关键词:laser technology femtosecond laser superhydrophobic surface micro-nano composite structure low adhesion self-cleaning |
基金项目:结冰与防除冰国家重点实验室开放课题项目(IADL20190407);中国民用航空飞行学院重点项目科研基金(ZJ2020–06);国家大学生创新性实验计划(S202110624166) |
Author | Institution |
ZHAO Xin | College of Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Aviation Flight University of China, Sichuan Guanghan 618307, China |
HUANG Cheng-chao | College of Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Aviation Flight University of China, Sichuan Guanghan 618307, China |
LI Meng | College of Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Aviation Flight University of China, Sichuan Guanghan 618307, China |
YANG Hua-rong | College of Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Aviation Flight University of China, Sichuan Guanghan 618307, China |
ZHAO Hao-dong | College of Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Aviation Flight University of China, Sichuan Guanghan 618307, China |
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目的 制备超疏水自清洁的Ti6Al4V合金表面。方法 首先使用飞秒激光在Ti6Al4V合金表面预制备微米级结构,然后将预制备的样品置于1.0 mol/L的氢氧化钠溶液中,在超声水浴状态下进行电化学去合金,获得微纳米复合结构。经表面改性后,得到微纳超疏水钛合金表面。结果 经复合制备的微纳超疏水表面结构由微米级的梯形凸柱阵列,以及通过电化学去合金形成的三维纳米孔洞骨架和沉积的微米或亚微米金属氧化物组成。经过表面改性后,该微纳复合结构表面呈现优异的超疏水性,其接触角可达162.5°,滚动角低至3.4°。自清洁性能测试结果表明,该微纳超疏水钛合金表面展现出优异的低黏附性和自清洁性,1滴水对表面的清洁效率达到99.8%。激光加工参数与静态水接触角之间的关系表明,接触角与扫描间距呈负相关,与能量密度、重复次数呈正相关。结论 飞秒激光结合电化学去合金方法制备的具有微纳结构的钛合金表面呈现出优异的超疏水自清洁性能,通过改变激光加工参数能够有效增大表面的静态水接触角,为后续研究提供了一定参考。 |
英文摘要: |
Superhydrophobic surfaces have attracted great attention from researchers in China and abroad due to their low adhesion, self-cleaning, anti-corrosion, drag reduction, and good anti-icing properties. The work aims to adopt a novel femtosecond laser composite dealloying method to prepare superhydrophobic self-cleaning Ti6Al4V alloy surfaces. Firstly, 800# sandpaper was used for grinding, and after ultrasonic cleaning and drying, the micron-scale structure was pre-prepared on the surface of Ti6Al4V alloy via femtosecond laser in a 90° vertical cross-scanning manner. The laser processing parameters were as follows:laser fluence 0.30 J/cm2, repetition frequency 200 kHz, scanning speed 200 mm/s, scanning spacing 20 μm, and 6 times of repetition. Then, the pre-prepared surface samples were placed in 1.0 mol/L sodium hydroxide solution, the appropriate voltage was selected, and electrochemical dealloying was carried out in the state of ultrasonic water bath at temperature of 40 ℃ for 5 h to prepare the micro-nano composite structure. Next, the surface of the de-alloyed sample was modified with fluoroalkyl silanes and stored at 100 ℃ for 30 min in a vacuum incubator to obtain a micro-nano superhydrophobic titanium alloy surface. |
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