朱永强,宋维,李雨霞,徐小雪,曹宇,冯孟,李腾蛟,周奕骐,齐建涛.输氢管线钢防止氢脆研究进展[J].表面技术,2022,51(11):126-137, 163.
ZHU Yong-qiang,SONG Wei,LI Yu-xia,XU Xiao-xue,CAO Yu,FENG Meng,LI Teng-jiao,ZHOU Yi-qi,QI Jian-tao.Research Progress on Protection Against Hydrogen Embrittlement of Hydrogen-transport Pipeline Steels[J].Surface Technology,2022,51(11):126-137, 163
Research Progress on Protection Against Hydrogen Embrittlement of Hydrogen-transport Pipeline Steels
中文关键词:  管线钢  氢脆  防腐  影响因素  表面处理
英文关键词:pipeline steel  hydrogen embrittlement  corrosion protection  influencing factor  surface treatment
朱永强 中国石油大学华东 新能源学院,山东 青岛 266580 
宋维 中国石油大学华东 新能源学院,山东 青岛 266580 
李雨霞 中国石油大学华东 新能源学院,山东 青岛 266580 
徐小雪 中国石油大学华东 新能源学院,山东 青岛 266580 
曹宇 中国石油大学华东 新能源学院,山东 青岛 266580 
冯孟 中国石油大学华东 新能源学院,山东 青岛 266580 
李腾蛟 河南省锅炉压力容器安全检测研究院,郑州 450016 
周奕骐 英国曼彻斯特大学 材料学院,曼彻斯特 M139PL 
齐建涛 中国石油大学华东 新能源学院,山东 青岛 266580 
ZHU Yong-qiang College of New Energy, China University of Petroleum East China, Qingdao 266580, China 
SONG Wei College of New Energy, China University of Petroleum East China, Qingdao 266580, China 
LI Yu-xia College of New Energy, China University of Petroleum East China, Qingdao 266580, China 
XU Xiao-xue College of New Energy, China University of Petroleum East China, Qingdao 266580, China 
CAO Yu College of New Energy, China University of Petroleum East China, Qingdao 266580, China 
FENG Meng College of New Energy, China University of Petroleum East China, Qingdao 266580, China 
LI Teng-jiao The Boiler & Pressure Vessel Safety Inspection Institute of Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450016, China 
ZHOU Yi-qi School of Materials, The University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK 
QI Jian-tao College of New Energy, China University of Petroleum East China, Qingdao 266580, China 
      氢能已经成为未来非常规能源的主要组成部分,其集输管道多依赖现有的油气管道。输氢管线钢氢脆(Hydrogen embrittlement,HE)的相关研究备受关注,但目前仍没有完整的理论解释所有氢脆行为,传统防氢脆的方法仍有许多问题亟待优化和攻克。概述了输氢管线钢的发展及不同型号管线钢的化学成分;归纳了氢脆失效概念及氢脆发生机理(弱键理论、氢促进局部塑性变形理论、氢压理论及氢吸附降低表面能理论),以及氢脆的影响因素,包括材料、氢含量、温度和应变速率等4种影响因素。在此基础上,综述了防氢脆的主要方法,即通过改变管线钢内部或表面组织结构及化学成分可以提升输氢管线钢的力学、物理及化学等性能。重点综述了热处理工艺,添加钒、铜等金属元素,冷处理—喷丸处理和电镀改性等4种防氢脆方法。探讨了有关输氢管线钢氢脆行为在线监测技术的发展现状,并展望了输氢管线钢防氢脆的研究方向。
      Notably, hydrogen was regarded as the major component of the future green and unconventional energies and its transportation pipeline was dependent on the present system for oil and gas gathering transferring. Hydrogen embrittlement (HE) in Hydrogen pipeline steel should not be neglected. However, there is still no complete theory to explain all the HE behaviors, and many problems need to be optimized and solved in traditional methods to prevent HE. The basic knowledge of pipeline steels for hydrogen transportation were summarized, including the development and the chemical composition of different types of pipeline steels. At the same time, the concept and mechanism of hydrogen embrittlement failure (weak bond theory, hydrogen promoting local plastic deformation theory, hydrogen pressure theory and hydrogen adsorption reducing surface energy theory) were summarized. It was worth noting that, there was no complete theory to explain all hydrogen embrittlement. In addition, the influencing factors of hydrogen embrittlement, including material, hydrogen content, temperature and strain rate, were summarized. On this basis, the main methods for preventing hydrogen embrittlement were summarized. The mechanical, physical and chemical properties of pipeline steel could be improved by changing the internal or surface structure and chemical composition of pipeline steels. Four methods of preventing hydrogen embrittlement, including heat treatment, addition of vanadium, copper and other metal elements, cold treatment–shot peening treatment and electroplating modification, were emphatically reviewed. However, there were still many problems that needed to be optimized and solved in the traditional methods of preventing hydrogen embrittlement. Finally, the development status of online monitoring technology for hydrogen embrittlement behavior of pipeline steel was discussed, and the research direction of hydrogen embrittlement behavior of pipeline steel was prospected.
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