XIE Wei,GAO Hai-yan,FENG Lu-li,GAN Qing-zhan,HE Yue-hui.Preparation of FeAl/FeAlSi Asymmetric Membrane Materials and Bonding Properties between Membrane and Support[J].Surface Technology,2020,49(8):210-216
Preparation of FeAl/FeAlSi Asymmetric Membrane Materials and Bonding Properties between Membrane and Support
投稿时间:2019-11-07  修订日期:2020-08-20
中文关键词:  FeAl  FeAlSi  非对称  膜材料  孔结构  结合强度
英文关键词:FeAl  FeAlSi  asymmetric membrane materials  pore structure  bonding strength
谢维 中南大学 粉末冶金国家重点实验室,长沙 410083 
高海燕 中南大学 粉末冶金国家重点实验室,长沙 410083 
冯路利 中南大学 粉末冶金国家重点实验室,长沙 410083 
干庆展 中南大学 粉末冶金国家重点实验室,长沙 410083 
贺跃辉 中南大学 粉末冶金国家重点实验室,长沙 410083 
XIE Wei State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
GAO Hai-yan State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
FENG Lu-li State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
GAN Qing-zhan State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
HE Yue-hui State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
      目的 制备高温腐蚀环境下应用的FeAl/FeAlSi非对称膜材料,研究膜与基体的结合性能。方法 采用粉末反应合成法制备大孔径、高孔隙度的FeAlSi多孔体作为支撑体,通过浸渍法在支撑体表面制备小孔径的FeAl涂层作为膜层,再经烧结得到FeAl/FeAlSi非对称膜材料。研究FeAl/FeAlSi非对称膜材料的孔结构性能及膜基结合性能。采用XRD和SEM研究多孔膜材料的物相组成及微观形貌,采用孔结构测试仪及压汞法测试支撑体与膜层的孔结构参数,采用拉伸法和反吹实验研究FeAl/FeAlSi非对称膜材料的膜基结合性能。结果FeAl/FeAlSi非对称膜材料表面膜层均匀、完整,膜层与支撑体之间具有冶金结合。支撑体的孔隙度和平均孔径分别为43.0%和22.7 μm,膜层的孔隙度和平均孔径分别为36.5%和7.5 μm。当膜层厚度增加时,膜材料的透气度下降,最大孔径在一定膜层厚度范围内变化不大,当膜层厚度在150~300 μm范围内时,最大孔径约为7.8 μm。膜层与支撑体的结合强度大于5.5 MPa。结论 浸渍法制备的FeAl/FeAlSi非对称膜材料的孔结构性能优异,膜基结合性能满足工业应用。
      The work aims to prepare the FeAl/FeAlSi asymmetric membrane materials for high temperature corrosion and to study the bonding properties between the membrane and the support. The FeAlSi porous material with large pore size and high porosity prepared by powder reaction synthesis method was used as the support, and the FeAl coating on the support with small pore size prepared by impregnation method was adopted as the membrane layer to prepare the FeAl/FeAlSi asymmetric membrane material through sintering. The pore structure properties and membrane-support bonding properties of FeAl/FeAlSi asymmetric membrane materials were studied. The phase composition and micro-morphology of porous membrane materials were studied by XRD and SEM; the pore structure parameters of support and membrane were measured by pore structure tester and mercury intrusion method; and the membrane-support bonding property of FeAl/FeAlSi asymmetric membrane materials was studied by tensile test and back-blowing test. The surface of FeAl/FeAlSi asymmetric membrane was uniform and complete, and the metallurgical bonding between the membrane and support was good. The porosity and average pore size of the support were 43.0% and 22.7 μm respectively and the porosity and average pore size of the membrane were 36.5% and 7.5 μm respectively. When the membrane thickness increased, the permeability decreased linearly, and the maximum pore size did not change much in a certain range of membrane thickness. When the membrane thickness was in the range of 150~300 μm, the maximum pore size was 7.8 μm. The bonding strength of membrane-support was more than 5.5 MPa. The pore structure property of FeAl/FeAlSi asymmetric membrane material prepared by impregnation method was excellent, and the bonding properties between the membrane and support can meet the requirements of industrial application.
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