XU Zhi-jun,ZHOU Zi-qiang,LI Te,HU Jia-yuan,JIANG Zi-tao,DU Yan-xia,ZHANG Lei.Influence of Induction Current on Corrosion of Copper Armor Layer in Submarine Cable[J].Surface Technology,2020,49(7):280-286
Influence of Induction Current on Corrosion of Copper Armor Layer in Submarine Cable
投稿时间:2019-08-13  修订日期:2020-07-20
中文关键词:  海缆  铜铠装  感应电流  交流腐蚀  海水腐蚀
英文关键词:submarine cable  copper armor  induced current  AC corrosion  seawater corrosion
许志军 1.北京科技大学,北京 100083 
周自强 2.国网浙江省电力公司电力科学研究院,杭州 310014 
李特 2.国网浙江省电力公司电力科学研究院,杭州 310014 
胡家元 2.国网浙江省电力公司电力科学研究院,杭州 310014 
姜子涛 1.北京科技大学,北京 100083 
杜艳霞 1.北京科技大学,北京 100083 
张雷 1.北京科技大学,北京 100083 
XU Zhi-jun 1.University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 
ZHOU Zi-qiang 2.State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute, Hangzhou 310014, China 
LI Te 2.State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute, Hangzhou 310014, China 
HU Jia-yuan 2.State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute, Hangzhou 310014, China 
JIANG Zi-tao 1.University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 
DU Yan-xia 1.University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 
ZHANG Lei 1.University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 
      目的 研究感应电流作用下的海底电缆铜铠装层在模拟海水环境中的腐蚀规律。方法 通过浸泡实验,研究不同感应电流密度下铜铠装层随时间变化的腐蚀速率,然后通过扫描电镜观察铜铠装腐蚀后表面的形貌,通过X-射线衍射分析铜铠装腐蚀后的产物,最后通过交流阻抗法对腐蚀后铜铠装的表面双电层结构进行研究。结果 在模拟海水环境中,感应电流的存在能够在一定程度上加速铜铠装的腐蚀。随着浸泡时间的延长,腐蚀速率呈先上升、后下降的趋势,并逐渐趋于稳定。在峰值情况下,腐蚀速率提升4~7倍;在稳定阶段,腐蚀速率提升3~5倍。随着感应电流密度的增大,铜铠装的腐蚀速率逐渐增加,并与感应电流密度呈非线性关系,经数据拟合,腐蚀速率与感应电流密度的0.5次方成正比关系。经X-射线衍射分析可知,铜铠装在模拟海水中的腐蚀产物主要是Cu2O。结论 感应电流引起的腐蚀速率约占其等效直流电流腐蚀速率的0.16%~2.03%。流经铜铠装上的感应电流大部分通过界面双电层电容的充放电不发生实质的腐蚀反应,小部分通过极化电阻发生腐蚀反应。
      This paper aims to study the corrosion trend of copper armor layer of submarine cable under induced current in simulated seawater environment. The corrosion rate of copper armor layer varying with time under different induced current densities was studied by immersion experiments. The surface morphology of copper armor after corrosion was observed by scanning electron microscopy. The products of copper armor after corrosion were analyzed by X-ray diffraction. Finally, the surface double layer structure of copper armor after corrosion was studied by AC impedance method. It can be seen from experiments that the existence of induced current could accelerate the corrosion of copper armor to a certain extent in simulated seawater environment. With the prolongation of immersion time, the corrosion rate increased first and then decreased, and gradually tended to be stable. In the peak case, the corrosion rate increased by 4~7 times; and in the stable stage, the corrosion rate increased by 3~5 times. With the increase of induction current density, the corrosion rate of copper armor increased gradually, and had a non-linear relationship with induction current density. By fitting the data, the corrosion rate was proportional to the 0.5 power of induction current density. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the main corrosion product of copper armor in simulated seawater was Cu2O. The corrosion rate caused by induction current is about 0.16%~2.03% of the equivalent DC current corrosion rate. The induced current flowing through the copper armor mostly passes through the charging and discharging of the interface electric double layer capacitor, and no substantial corrosion reaction occurs. A small part of the induced current leads to corrosion through polarization resistance.
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