LI Xiao-long,JI Bi-bi,CAO Yuan,LI Er-rui,ZHAO Huai-hua,LI Jian-wei,CAO Xiao-hua,SUN Yu,XING Guo-bing,WANG Wen-ping.Preparation and Characterization of Artificial Sand Modified by Polymers[J].Surface Technology,2015,44(6):54-58
Preparation and Characterization of Artificial Sand Modified by Polymers
投稿时间:2015-01-05  修订日期:2015-06-20
中文关键词:  机制砂石粉  表面修饰  有机-无机杂化材料  分散性
英文关键词:artificial sand microfines  surface modification  organic-inorganic hybrid materials  dispersity
李小龙 合肥工业大学 化学化工学院, 合肥 230009 
季碧碧 合肥工业大学 化学化工学院, 合肥 230009 
曹远 合肥工业大学 化学化工学院, 合肥 230009 
李二锐 合肥工业大学 化学化工学院, 合肥 230009 
赵怀华 合肥工业大学 化学化工学院, 合肥 230009 
李建伟 合肥工业大学 化学化工学院, 合肥 230009 
曹晓华 合肥工业大学 化学化工学院, 合肥 230009 
孙玉 合肥工业大学 化学化工学院, 合肥 230009 
邢国兵 合肥工业大学 化学化工学院, 合肥 230009 
王文平 合肥工业大学 化学化工学院, 合肥 230009 
LI Xiao-long School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
JI Bi-bi School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
CAO Yuan School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
LI Er-rui School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
ZHAO Huai-hua School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
LI Jian-wei School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
CAO Xiao-hua School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
SUN Yu School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
XING Guo-bing School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
WANG Wen-ping School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
      目的 提供一种以化学接枝法替代传统物理吸附法的理论思路,改善机制砂石粉在水泥中的和易性。 方法 先将机制砂石粉与硅烷偶联剂 酌-(甲基丙烯酰氧)丙基三甲氧基硅烷(MPS)进行羟基反应,使其表面带有 C == C 化学官能团,再与丙烯酸(AA)、2-甲基丙烯酸聚乙二醇单甲醚酯(MPEG)共聚。采用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)、场发射扫描电镜、热重曲线、X 射线衍射等分析手段表征机制砂石粉的改性效果和表面结构。 将合成的复合材料以不同的比例掺杂于水泥中,通过净浆实验研究合成材料与水泥的流动适应性和流动保持性。 结果 生成的高分子化合物以化学键的方式链接在机制砂石粉表面。与未修饰的机制砂石粉相比,修饰后的机制砂石粉的可流动性及流动保持性有较大改善。 结论 经高分子化合物改性后,机制砂石粉在水泥中的流动适应性和流动保持性有显著提高。 该思路合成的新型材料对水泥基复合材料的理论研究有一定的现实意义。
      Objective To provide a theoretical chemical grafting method for substitution of the traditional physical adsorption method, and improve the workability of the artificial sand microfines in the cement. Methods After reaction with 3-methacrylo-xypropyltrimethoxysilane and graft with poly (acrylic acid) and poly (methoxy poly (ethylene glycols) methacrylate), the artificial sand was turned into the new artificial sand particles. Structure properties of the modified artificial sand particles were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), fourier transform infrared spectra (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The synthesized composites were mixed into cement by different proportions and the fluidity and stability of the composited material with cement was investigated by neat paste test. Results The fluidity and stability of the surface-modified artificial sand microfines / cement paste was better than those of pristine artificial sand microfines / cement paste. Conclusion The results revealed that the surface-modified artificial sand microfines can significantly improve the workability and the durability of concrete. This study had certainly practical significance in theoretical study of cement-based composites.
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