靳跃钢,秦旭峰,黎明.PS 微球的制备及表面镀镍工艺研究[J].表面技术,2013,42(5):81-83,92.
JIN Yue-gang,QIN Xu-feng,LI Ming.Preparation of PS and Study on the Nickel Plating Technology of PS Surface[J].Surface Technology,2013,42(5):81-83,92
PS 微球的制备及表面镀镍工艺研究
Preparation of PS and Study on the Nickel Plating Technology of PS Surface
投稿时间:2013-07-04  修订日期:2013-07-30
中文关键词:  聚苯乙烯 / 镍复合粒子  化学镀  镀镍  导电性能
英文关键词:polystyrene / Ni composite  chemical plating  nickel plating  conductivity
靳跃钢 中国兵器工业集团公司 137 厂, 张家口 075000 
秦旭峰 西南技术工程研究所, 重庆 400039 
黎明 西南技术工程研究所, 重庆 400039 
JIN Yue-gang No. 137 Factory of China Ordnance Industry Corporation, Zhangjiakou 075000 , China 
QIN Xu-feng Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute, Chongqing 400039 , China 
LI Ming Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute, Chongqing 400039 , China 
      以聚乙烯吡咯烷酮为分散剂,偶氮二异丁腈为引发剂,无水乙醇为分散介质,通过分散聚合,制备出表面光滑、分散均匀的聚苯乙烯( PS) 微球。 在 PS 微球表面化学镀 Ni,制得具有较好导电性能的 PS / Ni 复合粒子。 研究了 PS 微球表面镀 Ni 前后的表观形貌及晶相变化,并分析了制备工艺对复合粒子导电性能的影响。分析表明,PS 微球表面镀 Ni 的优化工艺为: PS / NiCl2 ·6 H2O 质量比 4 : 7 , 络合剂用量 2 g, NH3 ·H2O 用量 30mL。
      The PS microspheres with the smooth surface and uniform size were prepared by the dispersion polymerization technique in the presence of PVP, using 2-methylpropionitrile as initiator, anhydrous alcohol as the dispersion medium . After surface treatment, PS / Ni composite particles with characteristic of high conductivity were prepared by chemical plating process. The results show that the surface morphology and phase change of PS microspheres before and after nickel plating were studied and the effect of preparaction process on conductivity of composite was analyzed. The results show that the optimized process is: PS / NiCl2 ·6 H2O = 4 : 7 ( mass ratio) ,complexing agent dosage is 2 g, NH3 ·H2O dosage is 30 mL.
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