田峰,杨辉.40 Cr 钢表面高能喷丸纳米化及其耐磨性能[J].表面技术,2013,42(5):52-54.
TIAN Feng,YANG Hui.Experimental Study on Wear Behavior of Nano-crystallization Surface of 40 Cr[J].Surface Technology,2013,42(5):52-54
40 Cr 钢表面高能喷丸纳米化及其耐磨性能
Experimental Study on Wear Behavior of Nano-crystallization Surface of 40 Cr
投稿时间:2013-05-19  修订日期:2013-06-15
中文关键词:  40 Cr 钢  高能喷丸  表面纳米化  耐磨性能
英文关键词:40 Cr steel  HESP  surface nano-crystallization  wear-resisting property
田峰 河南科技学院 机电学院, 新乡 453003 
杨辉 河南科技学院 机电学院, 新乡 453003 
TIAN Feng School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Henan Institute of Science and Technology, Xinxiang 453003, China 
YANG Hui School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Henan Institute of Science and Technology, Xinxiang 453003, China 
      为了研究 40 Cr 钢表面纳米化对其耐磨性能的影响,对 40 Cr 钢表面进行高能喷丸处理,获得纳米结构表层,分析了材料表面高能喷丸前后的微观组织变化,测定了纳米化材料表层的残余应力及显微硬度,研究了纳米化表层的磨损性能。 结果表明: 高能喷丸使 40 Cr 钢表层发生了严重塑性变形, 显微硬度较基体提高了68% ,并使材料表面分布了较高幅值残余压应力,最大可达-736 MPa,残余压应力层深度达 0 . 9 mm;高能喷丸表面纳米化能在一定程度上降低 40Cr 钢表面的摩擦系数,且大大减小其磨损失重,显著改善了 40Cr 钢的耐磨性能。
      High Energy Shot Peening ( HESP) was used to treat the material surface in order to study the effects of nano-crystallization surface of 40 Cr on wear behavior. The nano-crystalline layer was obtained on surface. Micro-structure after HESP was analyzed, residual stress and micro-hardness after nano-crystallization were measured. Wear behaviors of nano-crystalline surface were examined as well . The experiment results show that, HESP causes severe plastic deformation on surface, and the micro-hardness increases by 68 % compared to matrix. There exits compressive residual stress with large magnitude on surface, and the maximum value is-736 MPa, meanwhile, the compressive residual stress layer come up to 0 . 9 mm. The frictional wear experiments show that, HESP nano-crystallization can apparently decrease friction factor, and the wear loss is less than 1 / 5 of untreated samples, HESP largely improved the wear-resisting property of 40 Cr.
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