炊明伟,冯有前,王崴,李正朝,徐晓东.非下采样 Contourlet 变换在表面形貌评定中的应用[J].表面技术,2013,42(1):123-126.
CHUI Ming-wei,FENG You-qian,WANG Wei,LI Zheng-chao,XU Xiao-dong.The Application of Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform in Surface Topography Evaluation[J].Surface Technology,2013,42(1):123-126
非下采样 Contourlet 变换在表面形貌评定中的应用
The Application of Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform in Surface Topography Evaluation
投稿时间:2012-08-13  修订日期:2012-09-16
中文关键词:  三维表面形貌  非下采样 Contourlet 变换  表面评定
英文关键词:3 D surface topography  nonsubsampled contourlet transform  surface topography evaluation
炊明伟 空军工程大学 防空反导学院, 西安 710051 
冯有前 空军工程大学 理学院, 西安 710051 
王崴 空军工程大学 防空反导学院, 西安 710051 
李正朝 解放军洛阳外国语学院,洛阳 471003 
徐晓东 空军工程大学 防空反导学院, 西安 710051 
CHUI Ming-wei Air-defense and Anti-missile Institute, Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an 710051 , China 
FENG You-qian Science Institute, Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an 710051 , China 
WANG Wei Air-defense and Anti-missile Institute, Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an 710051 , China 
LI Zheng-chao PLA Foreign Language Institute, Luoyang 471003 , China 
XU Xiao-dong Air-defense and Anti-missile Institute, Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an 710051 , China 
      针对高斯滤波、小波滤波等方法在三维表面形貌分析中存在的不足,提出了一种基于非下采样Contourlet 变换的三维表面形貌分析方法。 该方法是先通过非下采样 Contourlet 分解变换,将三维表面形貌分解成不同尺度的子带;然后根据滤波截止波长,确定表面形貌不同成分所属的分解子带层数;最后通过非下采样 Contourlet 重构变换,重构表面形貌的不同成分。 针对实际测量的三维表面形貌进行了分析,验证了该方法的有效性。
      Aiming at the defects of the Gaussian filter and Wavelet filter, the nonsubsampled contourlet transform was applied in the 3 D surface topography evaluation. 3 D surface topography was divided into different scales subbands, and the subbands belonging to roughness, waviness and shape components were determined by the filter cut-off wavelength, and then the different components were generated by nonsubsampled contourlet inverse transform. At last, a actual measurement of 3 D surface topography were analyzed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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