张哲,杨琴,吴显.CaCO3纳米粒子在45#钢表面的摩擦学性能[J].表面技术,2008,37(2):23-25. ZHANG Zhe,YANG Qin,WU Xian.Tribological Properties of CaC03 Nanoparticals on Surface of 45# Steel[J].Surface Technology,2008,37(2):23-25 |
CaCO3纳米粒子在45#钢表面的摩擦学性能 |
Tribological Properties of CaC03 Nanoparticals on Surface of 45# Steel |
投稿时间:2007-04-29 修订日期:2008-04-10 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 摩擦学性能 碳酸钙纳米粒子 层状液晶 45#钢 |
英文关键词:Tribological properties CaC03 nanoparticles Lamellar liquid crystal 45# steel |
基金项目:湖北省自然科学基金(2006ABA369);中南民族大学自然科学基金( yzz05013) |
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中文摘要: |
在Tween-80/C10 H21 0H/H20体系层状液晶中合成出平均粒径为30 - 40nm的CaC03纳米粒子,用四球磨损试验机考察了CaCO3纳米粒子作为润滑添加剂在Tween-80/Cio H21 0H/H20体系层状液晶中的摩擦磨损行为,并用X射线光电子能谱对其抗磨减摩机理进行了研究。研究结果表明:CaC03纳米粒子能提高Tween-80/Cio H21 0H/H20体系层状液晶的摩擦学性能,在摩擦过程中,摩擦表面生成了化学反应膜。 |
英文摘要: |
The nano-particles CaC03 was prepared in Tween-80/C10H2IOH/H20 lamellar liquid crystal. The average particle diameter of CaC03 nanoparticle was about 30- 40 nm. The friction and wear behaviors of CaC03 nanoparticles as an additive in lamllar liquid crystal were investigated with four-ball machine. Anti-wear and reducing friction mechanism were analyzed by X-ray photoelectrons Spectrum( XPS). It has been found that the CaC03 nanoparticles in lamellar liquid crystal can improve the tribological properties of Tween-80/C10H210H/H20 lamellar liquid crystal. Tribochemical reaction film is generated during the friction process. |
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