HOU Feng-yan,TAN Xing-hai,JIANG Li-min,HUANG Li,ZHANG Yue-gang,BI Gang,LI Chao-xiong.Application & Development of Electroplating Technology on Continuous Casting Mold Surface[J].Surface Technology,2007,36(3):61-63
Application & Development of Electroplating Technology on Continuous Casting Mold Surface
投稿时间:2006-10-31  修订日期:2007-06-10
中文关键词:  连铸结晶器  电镀技术  表面技术  产品全生命周期
英文关键词:Continuous casting mould  Electroplating technology  Surface technology  Whole-Iife cycle of product
侯峰岩 上海宝钢设备检修有限公司宝钢机械厂,上海201900 
谭兴海 上海宝钢设备检修有限公司宝钢机械厂,上海201900 
蒋丽敏 上海宝钢设备检修有限公司宝钢机械厂,上海201900 
黄丽 上海宝钢设备检修有限公司宝钢机械厂,上海201900 
张跃刚 上海宝钢设备检修有限公司宝钢机械厂,上海201900 
毕刚 上海宝钢设备检修有限公司宝钢机械厂,上海201900 
李朝雄 上海宝钢设备检修有限公司宝钢机械厂,上海201900 
HOU Feng-yan Baosteel Machinery Plant, Shanghai Baosteel Equipment Maintenance Co. , Ltd. Shanghai 201900, China 
TAN Xing-hai Baosteel Machinery Plant, Shanghai Baosteel Equipment Maintenance Co. , Ltd. Shanghai 201900, China 
JIANG Li-min Baosteel Machinery Plant, Shanghai Baosteel Equipment Maintenance Co. , Ltd. Shanghai 201900, China 
HUANG Li Baosteel Machinery Plant, Shanghai Baosteel Equipment Maintenance Co. , Ltd. Shanghai 201900, China 
ZHANG Yue-gang Baosteel Machinery Plant, Shanghai Baosteel Equipment Maintenance Co. , Ltd. Shanghai 201900, China 
BI Gang Baosteel Machinery Plant, Shanghai Baosteel Equipment Maintenance Co. , Ltd. Shanghai 201900, China 
LI Chao-xiong Baosteel Machinery Plant, Shanghai Baosteel Equipment Maintenance Co. , Ltd. Shanghai 201900, China 
      Surface treatments on continuous casting mold ( CCM) will greatly increase its service life, and electroplating is the leading surface technology in the field of mold surface treatment. It is analyzed the status and development of electroplating technology on CCM, orienting the aspects of product characteristic , manufacturing and the customer. And it is concluded that the electroplating technology will have a well prospect in the field of CCM surface treatment, besides, co-developing with other surface treatment and complementing the advantages with each other.
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