WANG Yue,MAN Rui-lin,ZHAO Peng-fei,HU Jun-li.Study on Regeneration of Ageing Liquid for Stainless Steel Coloring by Electrochemical Oxidation[J].Surface Technology,2012,(5):114-118
Study on Regeneration of Ageing Liquid for Stainless Steel Coloring by Electrochemical Oxidation
投稿时间:2012-04-01  修订日期:2012-10-20
中文关键词:  电化学氧化  老化液  循环伏安  不锈钢着色
英文关键词:electrochemical oxidation  ageing liquid  cyclic voltammetry  stainless steel coloring
王玥 中南大学化学化工学院,长沙410083 
满瑞林 中南大学化学化工学院,长沙410083 
赵鹏飞 中南大学化学化工学院,长沙410083 
胡俊利 中南大学化学化工学院,长沙410083 
WANG Yue College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
MAN Rui-lin College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
ZHAO Peng-fei College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
HU Jun-li College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
      通过循环伏安法测定了Pb及Pb-PbO2 电极在1.0mol/L H2SO4 介质中,Cr2(SO4)3 发生电化学氧化的相关参数,选择Pb-PbO2 电极为阳极,采用双室隔膜电解槽进行电化学氧化再生不锈钢着色老化液,确定了操作工艺条件如下:阴极支持液为5%的H2SO4 溶液,阳极电流密度为5A/dm2。恒电流电解7.5h,三价铬转化率为25.97%,电流效率为68.45%。经过电化学氧化法再生后,老化液中的Cr6+ 即恢复至效用范围,用于着色不锈钢片能达到与新配制的着色液一致的效果。
      Electrochemical parameters of Cr2 (SO4)3 on Pb and Pb-PbO2 electrode in 1.0 mol/L H2SO4 were measured by cyclic voltammetry, respectively. Dual-chamber diaphragm cell, with Pb-PbO2 electrode as the anode, was used to electrochemical oxidation. The optimum conditions of electro-oxidation process were listed as following: 5% H2SO4 as cathode liquid, 5 A/dm2 anode current density, 7.5 h constant current electrolysis. The conversion of Cr3+ was 25.97%, and current efficiency was 68.45%. After being treated, the content of Cr6+ in ageing liquid was recovered to the effective range. The effect of colored stainless steels treated in the regenerated liquid was consistent with those treated in freshly prepared coloring liquid.
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